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Roinn Eòrpa

4.4 ( 4384 ratings )
Geliştirici: Stòrlann

Ionnsaich mun Roinn Eòrpa leis an app spòrsail, eadar-obrachail seo.

Tha ceithir geamaichean ann a bhios a’ measadh an eòlais a th’ agad air prìomh-bhailtean, brataichean, comharran-tìre agus cumadh dhùthchannan, le gach fear aig dà ìre de dhuilgheadas.

Le bhith ga chleachdadh gu tric ionnsaichidh tu ainmean nan dùthchannan anns a’ Ghàidhlig. Cuiridh tu ri do mhap-inntinn agus aithnichidh tu na prìomh fheartan anns na diofar dhùthchannan dhen Roinn Eòrpa.

Learn about Europe with this fun, interactive app.

There are four games which will test your knowledge of capital cities, flags, landmarks and country borders, each with two levels of difficulty.

With regular use, you will learn the country names in Gaelic, extend your mental map of Europe and will be able to locate key features within Europe.